Fatma Ayça Gültekin
Experimental Modeling and Treatment Strategies for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
Aras Emre Canda, Tolga Sever
Comparison of Oncological Outcomes After Curative Resection for Right-side Colon Cancer and Left-side Colon Cancer: a Retrospective Observational Study
Mehmet Torun, Orhan Uzun, Mustafa Duman, Erdal Polat, Aziz Serkan Senger, Mürşit Dinçer, Ömer Özduman, Selçuk Gülmez, Ahmet Orhan Sunar
Prophylactic Sublay Mesh Placement During Stoma Closure to Prevent Incisional Hernias: a Pilot Study
Yana Belenkaya, Sergey Gordeev, Nikolay Matveyev, Zaman Mamedli
The Relationship of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocyte Ratio with Histopathological Parameters and Effect on Survival in Colorectal Cancers
İsra Serda Oğuz, Sinan Koca, Seval Ay Ersoy, Özgecan Dülgar, Ayşenur Toksöz, Mahmut Gümüş
Intussusception Secondary to Metastatic Bladder Leiomyosarcoma: a Case Report and Review of the Literature
Muhammed Salih Süer, İsmail Oskay Kaya, Eylem Pınar Eser
Refining the Triangle Advancement Flap Technique for Pilonidal Sinus Disease: a Commentary on Kiziltoprak et al.
Dietrich Doll, Matthias Maak